• 16 декабря 2014, вторник
  • Москва, Building 2, Auditorium 237 Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow Russian Federation 119571

Augmented Reality | Olga Zaretskaya

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Institute for Social Sciences/ Институт общественных наук РАНХиГС
3420 дней назад
16 декабря 2014 c 19:00 до 21:00
Building 2, Auditorium 237 Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow Russian Federation 119571

The School of Public Policy of the Russian Presidential Academy is launching a distinguished speaker series in English that is open to the public!

The goal of the series is to provide international students and professionals who are studying and/or working in Moscow with the opportunity to hear and meet a diverse group of Russia’s both rising and already established names in business, education, economics, and politics.  

The speaker series will open on December 16 with Olga Zaretskaya: Editor-in-chief of Marie Claire magazine and marieclaire.ru (2006 — 2014). Editor-in-chief of Elle Girl brand: magazine, ellegirl.ru, social network (2002 — 2006). Olga graduated from Moscow State University with a specialization in Ethnolinguistics and Cultural Concepts.

Olga’s will focus on the subject of augmented reality and will touch on the following topics: 

- Semiotics of internet communication
- The magic power of check-in. Foursquare and other pioneers
- System of relations between buyer and seller based on geo-tagging
- Tinder app as an example of business according to the principle of "like / dislike"
- "Pyramid of wisdom" as a way of transforming information into ideas
- Pride of Apple — iBeacon technology. Pride of Google — OK Google and Google Glass
- BMW and its 20 applications for smartphones. Smart vehicle technology and other inventions in the development stage
- Working with bloggers and trend-setters
- Contextual advertising

If you’re not a student of the Russian Presidential Academy, please take a moment to fill out the registration form below so we can issue a guest pass for you to enter campus on the evening of this event.


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