• 20 декабря 2014, суббота
  • Москва, Building 5, Auditorium 104 Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russian Federation 119571

Georgi Derluguian | Transformations of the Global Capitalist System: New Horizons?

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Institute for Social Sciences/ Институт общественных наук РАНХиГС
3409 дней назад
20 декабря 2014 c 2:00 до 5:00
Building 5, Auditorium 104 Prospect Vernadskogo, 82, Moscow, Russian Federation 119571

RANEPA School of Public Policy is happy to invite own students as well as the general public to the open lecture of Georgi Derluguian on the transformations of the global capitalist system.

Having first studied African languages and history at Moscow State University, Georgi Derluguian saw his first war in Mozambique in the 1980s. Having returned from Africa to Moscow in 1989, he saw with astonishment that parts of the unraveling Soviet Union were rapidly coming to resemble the Africa’s politics of corruption as well as its civil wars.

Georgi’s first-hand study of Soviet collapse culminated in the award-winning monograph Bourdieu’s Secret Admirer in the Caucasus (University of Chicago Press, 2005). Its main question was simple: What processes and contingencies transformed the provincial Soviet intellectuals, once enamored with French cinema and sociology, into the ferocious guerrilla fighters for the nationalist and religious causes?

In the past, Georgi taught as an Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Studies at Northwestern University. He was also a Visiting professor at Sciences Po and UniversitÈ de Bordeaux in France, as well as Tallinn Technological University in Estonia and Kiev State University in Ukraine.


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