• 8 октября 2015, четверг
  • Москва, пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, ауд. 237

Seminar on Economic History

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Institute for Social Sciences/ Институт общественных наук РАНХиГС
3139 дней назад
8 октября 2015 c 19:00 до 21:00
пр.Вернадского, 82, корп.2, ауд. 237

Dr. Robert C. Allen проведет семинар по экономической истории в РАНХиГС 8 октября.

Seminar on Economic History in RANEPA
Когда и где:  8 Октября 2015,РАНХ и ГС,   ауд. 237 (корпус 2) в 19.00
Название основного доклада и ключевая тема семинара: Russian economic history in the nineteenth century:  the view from wage and price history
Экономическая история России: взгляд на историю зарплат и цен.

Докладчик: Dr.  Robert C. Allen, Global Distinguished Professor of Economic History (NYU Abu Dhabi)

Содокладчик: Dr. Ekaterina Khaustova (Курский институт социального образования (филиал) Российского государственного университета)
О чем: How backward was the Russian economy in the nineteenth century and how rapidly did it grow?  These questions can be studied with historical national income estimates, but these suffer from many uncertainties and are not well tailored to explore many of the possible causes.  We explore these long standing questions with a newly constructed database of annual consumer prices and wage rates for Moscow and St. Petersburg.  These data are used to construct real wages in Russia.  How well urban workers fared depends on the standard adopted.  On the one hand, real wages grew only a little and much less rapidly than per capita income or output per worker in industry, and so by those standards the working class did badly.  On the other hand, real wages were considerably higher in Russia than in poor countries like India or Egypt, so by that measure Russian workers did reasonably well.  We provide a model that shows that the repartitional commune would have been expected to produce this result.  We examine the implications of the relatively high Russian urban wage for the choice of technique in industry by examining wages relative to energy prices and capital using costs.  These imply that Russian industry should have been more capital intensive than industry in India but less capital intensive than industry in the USA and UK.  These predictions are born out in the cotton weaving industry.  A final implication of our model of the repartitional commune is that Russia should have had a dualistic industrial structure with (relatively) capital intensive industry in cities coexisting with an extensive handicraft industry in rural villages.  That prediction corresponds to the Russian experience as well.

Организаторы: Елена Кормчина (НИУ ВШЭ);   Роман Кончаков  (РАНХиГС)
Контакты: rk@universitas.ru
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